Income Group

Instant Payroll Payments for Employee Wellbeing

Income Group provides a software solution called IGsend that empowers businesses to offer on-demand payroll payments to their employees. This means employees can access their earned wages 24/7, 365 days a year, improving their financial well-being and reducing stress.

Key features of Income Group:

  • Instant Payments: Make secure payroll payments to employees anytime within your designated payroll timeframe.
  • Increased Wellbeing: Empower employees to manage their finances better and reduce anxiety around payday.
  • Easy to Use: Integrates seamlessly into existing payroll processes without requiring significant changes.
  • Secure and Encrypted: Data and funds are protected with robust security measures and regulatory compliance.
  • Scalable Solution: Suitable for businesses of all sizes, with unlimited monthly payments and users.

Benefits for Businesses:
  • Improved Employee Satisfaction: Boost morale and loyalty by offering a valuable financial wellness perk.
  • Reduced Admin: Streamline payroll processes and free up resources for other tasks.
  • Future-Proof: Stay ahead of the curve as on-demand pay becomes increasingly popular.
  • Overall, Income Group's IGsend is a valuable tool for businesses looking to improve employee financial wellbeing and streamline payroll operations.

Get in touch for more information & a free consultation

Website : Visit Income Group Website | Call : +44(0) 203 883 1699 | Email :

Income Group - System Capabilities

  • Payroll

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Income Group - Purchasing Options

  • Off-the-Shelf
  • Monthly Subscription

Income Group - Platform Options

  • Cloud
  • SaaS (Software as a Service)
  • Hosted
  • Managed

Income Group - Product Availability

  • United Kingdom

Income Group - Pricing :


Income Group - Time To Implement :

1 to 3 Months

Income Group - Modular Development :


Is Income Group - Customisable :


Income Group - Pricing Type :

Pricing Per Employee

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